Thursday, November 29, 2012

the world is hot onm my heels trying to catch up

WHAT HAPPENS when everything u do it seems u competing with the world, its kinda hard coz sometimes i anticipate loosing to this fierce enemy who knows no bounds and there is no even ground at the moment am just struggling but as usual i know am going to come out victorious and am not crazy its just that i see the world for what it is and that is not very common  to every body coz we just believe in what was said war was done and not what w have done or are going to do so whenever  and  am sure am not the right person to be giving advice for i just stand for what i know and what i can prove so before you judge me just t


so i realized all i needed was a bit of patient self belief  resilience and i would see my life unfold like a main lesson is patience ,this is something we tend to exclude in out life.iam a victim of this mindless behaviour always doing stuff that screws me over all because i couldnt have some patience.But i have learned but let me be honest getting patience if u not naturaly patient to work for u is hectic and frustrating its killing me.every time am about to rush into something i stop myself and am like chill man no hurry.
  what i realized is that patience helps us live in the present,and my friends that is the secret to life .living in the presence .dont mind what people say coz trust me its either today or never ,let the past go and dont struggle and stress urself for a future u dont know for the present is ur future foundation

Monday, November 26, 2012

human peception

there is a small difference between the insane and the so called normal individual ,just look at some of the crazy stuff that u do and think. crazy people are just extra ordinary individuals with a multi dimensional point of view
 the human brain not being able to make sense of that much information it shuts down to some point and they begin living in this different reality.
  when we are born our brain is programmed with a template design that with time and experience we fill thesse empty spaces within our templates .so whatever we might be perceiving now might not be the true reality for there is a multidimensional universe that our brain still locks us out .our conscious mind cannot access this dimensions .
 not all of these is theory its a matter of perspective and how much u are wiling to believe or try .there is so much for us to learn not in schools or in books but in the world around us just look at something and ask urself how does it work.
it is said that belief in God starts where human knowledge ends.
by kenneth mutuma kenna